Let a professional Voice Mail Greeting be your company’s diplomat

What is Voice Mail?

Voice Mail or your “After Hours” message is a brief recording callers will hear if your call is unanswered.

Generally, Voice Mail will say something like this:
“Hi, you’ve called (ie) Smith Corporation and we cannot take your call at this time. Our regular office hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm so please leave a message after the tone and we will respond as quickly as possible.”

Sometimes special Voice Mail recordings may be required, such as at annual holiday times like Easter and Christmas.
While Voice Mail recordings are ideally kept brief, up to about 30 seconds/20-30 words; slightly longer recordings are acceptable (up to about 1 minute in length).

How much does a Voice Mail Message cost?

Standard Voice Mail orders from Telephone Audio Magic are just $110.

If you’ve already got a Voice Mail greeting in place

Your staff voices might sound “ok”.
However as a business owner, you’d know that a professional voice recording will improve your business in many ways.
Get Telephone Audio Magic to create the audio recordings you need.
After all, a great quality, professional voice will make your business better to deal with. (Which naturally, helps your bottom line!)
Click here to order your Voice Mail greeting now

Think about your prospects’ first impression

Anyone phoning your business is a potential sale.
For callers you miss, your company’s Voice Mail greeting is one of the first things your potential clients will know about you.

Why miss this opportunity to sound professional?
Instead, let Telephone Audio Magic create the audio recording you need, to shine.